Tag Archives: success

Am I Too Shy to be Massively Successful?

Almost anyone can go through periods in their life of shyness, especially if life has caught them off-guard or if they’re in a position to question their worthiness.

Am-I-too-shy-for-massive-successIn the event that you see what may be perceived as shyness come and go, then you probably need to do some internal work on your self confidence. This will help you get back on track and in the flow of self-empowerment.

If it’s a condition that you stuggle with all of your life, day in, day out, you may be an introvert.

Contrary to belief, introverts are not shy but rather approach life and expression of self in a different way that extroverts.

To answer the question, “Am I too shy to be massively successful?” The answer is clearly, “No.”

In fact, you may be comparing yourself to the wrong folks. If you’re comparing yourself to the loud, boisterous, famous people who dominate the press and tabloids, then you would certainly feel inadequate if you think that this is what you need to act like if you desire success.

On the other hand, if you compare yourself to other introverts who have made huge contributions to our world, you realize that you are absolutely perfect just the way you are.

Abraham Lincoln was an introvert and struggling with self-consciousness did not prevent him from taking massive action for the world at large.

Consider these highly successful introverts:

Never-too-shy-to-be-great-albert-einstein-bill-gates-steven-spielbergAlbert Einstein
Audrey Hepburn
Bill Gates
Charles Schwab
Christina Aguilera
Courteney Cox
Eleanor Roosevelt
Emma Watson
J.K. Rowling
Steve Wozniak
Steven Spielberg
Warren Buffet

Not bad to have your name amongst those on that list, right?

First off, you must realize that you are perfect just the way you are. You have certain attributes that come naturally that are difficult for others who are less sensitive to learn. For instance…

If you are an introverts you are more likely:


More cautious and are prone to be less reckless than their extroverted counterparts.


Able to avoid the spotlight (tabloids) and are less likely to receive negative press on the front page news.


Gifted with the ability to carry on meaningful conversations (not just idle chit-chat).


Make other people feel as though you really care and are actively listening.

Deeply Connect

Avoid small talk, have meaningful conversations and active listening.


To under promise and over-deliver, unlike extroverts who tend to overstate and fail to live up to expectations.


Since they can be content with spending time alone and away from the crowd, this gives them time to be more contemplative and creative than their peers.


Work productively in an organized space and manner.


Excel at conducting extensive research

In the corporate world it is not unusual to discover that the introvert who has worked his or her way up the internal hierarchy is considered the “secret weapon” of the organization.

They are highly valued yet do not seek praise or public recognition as they are more comfortable in a respected support position in the background.

In brainstorming sessions and mastermind meetings they are turned to following violent discourses where they sit silently and calmly and are asked, “What do you think?”

Alternatively, there are some things that you’re less likely to be good at. You don’t necessarily have to learn to act as if you are an extrovert, but you might consider expanding your skill set to include some of the things that come naturally to extroverts.

Keep your eyes open for opportunities to engage in activities that you have never participated in before. Though this may be an uncomfortable challenge, think of it as learning to help others with similar inhibitions (because we’re more likely to be motivated to do something for someone les, than ourselves). Following the experience, you may be surprised to find it enjoyable or rewarding. Congratulations for getting ‘er done.

Consider getting more comfortable with:

  • Modeling others (try to “act like” someone you admire in a particular situation)
  • Dealing with problems (instead of avoiding them)
  • Tolerance (not judging others so much)
  • Public speaking & giving presentations
  • Networking in group settings
  • Becoming better in negotiations
  • Increasing your sales skills

Remember to take baby-steps toward your success. Don’t try to bite off more than you can chew. You could be easily overwhelmed and if too far outside your comfort zone, you might tend to bag the whole idea.

It’s better to be content with making a little progress every day (or regularly) than expecting to establish a high degree of competency overnight.

Reward yourself with solitude to recharge after engaging in a personal growth exercise and remember to love yourself because you are perfect just the way you are and totally well-equipped and poised for massive success!

Keep growing!

See you at the top.

Excerpt from Success Attributes © 2008 David M Masters used by permission.

The 5 Senses of Laser Focused Concentration

5-senses-to-success-attraction-attenuation-prosperityBy engaging all of your information receptors in the attenuation of your end result, you can avoid distraction and increase your attention to manifest anything you want giving you the ability to make all your dreams come true.

First of all, create a multi-dimensional experiential representation of what it is that you want to achieve.


My primary sense is visual. This is where I start to create my vision of what it is that I desire. You could find a photographic representation of what it is that you want. If it is a particular item, it is easy enough to find a photo of the item that you want… the more photos, the better. Put them in places where you find your attention throughout the day. Some places might include the refrigerator, your bathroom mirror, on top of the TV, hanging from the rearview mirror in your car, even carrying a card-sized photo in your pocket that you can refer to throughout the day, and on the nightstand next to your bed.

If what you’re focusing on is more complex, like an idea, concept, career, mission, etc… you may need to develop a visual montage including may images, or a vision board. A vision board is a poster-board featuring a collection of many different images that represent what you want to attract.


Next up is to create an audio representation of that which you desire to engage your ears.
If it is a thing, like a new Harley Davidson Motorcycle, make an MP3 (CD or mix tape) compilation of songs about riding on your motorcycle with a sound clip of the vroom-vroom (or guttural potato-potato-potato) sound of the motorcycle between tracks.

Get a portable recorder and interview owners of Harley Davidson motorcycles and ask them what they like best about their bikes and listen to these periodically throughout the day.

You get the idea; you can listen to audio recordings that help you to pinpoint the attention of your auditory senses via the input device of your ears.

Use your voice to engage your ears. Nothing is more attractive to your ears than your live voice. Ever notice that when you listen to a recording of your voice, it sounds tinny in comparison to how it sounds when it resonates within your head?

Make a list, create affirmations or a mantra that you speak aloud to command the attention of your auditory interface.


Engaging your sense of touch (contact via hands, feet or skin) could take many forms…

If you desire a Harley, then a ride or test-drive would be an excellent multi-dimensional experience, but now you need something that you can touch and feel to focus your attention on throughout the day, when you may not have access to a physical representation of that which you seek.

Create and use a talisman. A talisman is a physical charm or representation of what you desire. In fact, no other company provides more talismans for potential customers than Harley Davidson. You can easily obtain a key-fob with the Harley-logo (or any other object or form from bumper-stickers to underwear)… something that you can contact to your vision periodically.

You can use any item that you want to be your talisman, including a ring, pendant, business card, silicone bracelet or wristband, a small stone or string tied around your wrist… whatever it is, it is something that you can physically touch while you daydream about your goal.


Your nose knows what it is that you want, and by entertaining your sense of smell, it can create neural pathways in the brain that engage the attention of the universe to begin to vector in all the components that are necessary to bring your desires to fruition.

In some cases, you may be able to have a multi-faceted talisman. For instance, if your Harley talisman is made of leather – the smell of the leather may be your mind’s nose candy.

If your goal is financial, maybe the scent of cash dollars engages your sense of smell in this daily exercise. Many fragrances, potpourri, incense, essential oil scents or other items that are pleasant odiferous representations your desire(s) can be used to sniff your way to success.


You might find it difficult to think of way to have your goal create an association with your mouth and tongue but it is a lot easier than you might think.

In our Harley-example, you might associate the motorcycle with an energy drink (or some other non-alcoholic drink).

There are a variety of hard candies or chewing gums that come in a wide variety of flavors; some which you have never tasted. You can select one of these flavored-items (that you have not tasted before, so that the taste is not associated with anything else from your past) to represent you wildest dream(s). Focusing on what you want while you excite your flavor receptors will increase your laser focus.

Attraction Attenuation

By engaging all five senses, you attune your vibration to that which you seek. Just the fact that you have the desire means the universe has already matched this desire to you. Now, all that is left is for you match your vibration to what seems illusive. It has already taken place; you just need to do the work to align yourself to the end result.

Get the sense that your senses can get you from here to there, and they will.

Excerpt from Success Attributes © 2008 David M Masters used by permission.

What Have I Done Today for Success?

The most important question you could ask yourself is, “What Have I Done Today?”

Think about it; if every day you could just make one small step toward your goal, you could be so much closer to your goal. The movement between here and there may not look like much, but if you could just make consecutive small movements in the direction of your goal, how much closer would you get if you made small incremental steps every day, rather than not making movement at all.

What-have-you-done-today-to-accumulate-financial-successSo many times, we second guess ourselves, stall or procrastinate only to find that yet another day has passed and we have made no progress toward the prosperity that we long for.

We can adequately see the difference between where we are and where we want to be and the chasm seems so far from here to there… yet, if we just made some progress every day, in a week we would be seven (albeit small) steps closer if we make some movement in the right direction every day.

How much closer would you be in a month? In a quarter? In a year?

The only thing that stands between where you are today and where you want to be is you.

How many times have you started on a path toward a goal, and made some progress, only to feel a little less motivated the next day? On that day, you may have not made any progress toward what you desired so much the day before. What happens on the next day?

Is it easier to keep your commitment to yourself to make progress daily?

Or is it easier to relax into what you know?

Is there safety in mediocrity?

If you do not try, then you have nothing to fear… you cannot fail, if you do not do.

It’s so easy just to rest back on your laurels always wishing that things could be different, but this one thing is for certain: If you do not move, you will remain where you are.

Is it uncomfortable to move, or change? Is it hard? Could there be a possibility of failure?

Yes, yes and yes – but if you truly desire to see your life different, you must make – not just an effort – but a commitment to take action – every day and you will see the change.

If there was one thing that was clearly the difference between a successful person and an unsuccessful person it is simply in the doingness. Doers do.

Sometimes the only difference between doing and not doing is just the simple gentlest nudge into taking that step.

Maybe we felt more motivated yesterday, but today we’re feeling less confident for whatever reason, and it’s easier to just relax.

Maybe yesterday it was easier to believe in the possibilities of success, but today, you look around to see yourself surrounded by the status quo. The status quo does not want you to stand out in the crowd embracing all your gifts, qualities and speaking the truth of your calling.

… and today, it’s easier just to blend back in… and so, you blend…

There’s still time. Daily ask yourself, “What Have I Done Today?” This is your litmus test for your traveling toward the greater good.

That’s what prosperity Anonymous is here for; we can help you get from here to there.

You are not alone. We believe that by locking arms one with another in an effort to make the progress necessary to be the change we’d like to see in the world.

If you are finding it strenuous to stay on-track, we can help to team you up with an accountability partner. As a brute group force, together we can be unstoppable.

Contact us to begin to change and help others be the change.

You can do this. This is the reason you are here, today, right now ready, willing, able and committed to taking those daily steps.

Excerpt from Success Attributes © 2008 David M Masters used by permission.